Monday, December 31, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
OMG (text mode) :)
Monday, December 24, 2007
In Florida...
So on traveling day, I will be honest, I did not count my points. But starting on Sunday I did! Today we went on a walk around the neighborhood that my in-laws live. It was very nice, about 52 degrees outside! Yesterday it got up to 78 degrees! It does not feel like any Christmas I have ever known :) So anyway, things are going good thus far. Justin's family is very supportive of my needs for WW, that makes it very easy to track my points and only eat at places where I know the points values. I think that we will be walking around some more today, so that will be some more activity points for me!
Well I hope that you all have a very blessed Christmas! I will write again soon!
Friday, December 21, 2007
I am closer
Like I said yesterday, please pray for me while I am in Florida, that I won't give in to things I don't need and the things I do eat that I won't over eat.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
I'm ok with the results...
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
God made ice machine...
Man we had a lot of ice come our way this weekend. Evidently it has been the worst as far as power outages go. Thankfully Justin and I only lost electricity for a few hours on Sunday and a few on Monday. We are doing fine though. My mom and sister have not been so lucky. They both haven’t had power since, I guess, Sunday night. They (OGE) say it will be 7-10 days before some have power on!
I have to say that despite the awful road conditions and the no electricity thing, this is a beautiful storm. The way the ice forms on the grass and the trees, is just an amazing picture. Of course when you try to take a picture to reflect the beauty it never turns out the way you want it to.
I used the cold as an excuse to eat more. Bad choices were made, but today is a new day, not to mention I am at work. I need to get back to tracking my points and to working out. I sat around this morning, hoping to get a call saying not to worry about coming in to work. I knew that I wouldn’t get the call, but part of me really wanted to go back to sleep, so I just sat there instead of working out. I will walk today at lunch though and work out some tonight.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Christmas time...
Ok, so I love Christmas time. It is the time we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus. What I do not like about Christmas time is that companies you do business with seem to think it is a time to bring you high fat, high calorie,
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!
For what you all ask, well I have now lost 52.4 pounds!!!!!!!!!!! (I know!!) I lost 4.6 pounds this week. I am going to keep doing what I am doing and I just know that 60 is just around the corner.
Weigh in day...
Monday, December 3, 2007
again, already?
Friday, November 30, 2007
a day of realization...
Well it is the day after weigh in day and I am feeling a little better. I am sure you can tell from the one line entry last night I was pretty emotional. To be honest I went through several emotions last night. I think the first one was anxiety about weighing in. I even left work a few minutes early so I could get to the WW meeting earlier. Then I was in shock. In shock because I really and truly believed that I was going to hit the 50 pound mark this week. Then I was frustrated. I cried a lot in this stage. I was still at WW and I was trying hard to not be noticed, thankfully my WW leader did notice and she pulled me to the side after the meeting (I was trying to dash out so no one would see me crying). We had a good talk and I felt better after that. I still cried when I got to the car. Once I got home I went through a time of feeling ok. Justin and I ate dinner and then did DDR for about 10 minutes. After that I told him everything that had happened. Again more tears. After our talk I felt inspired so I danced a little more while he worked on the computer. Then I honestly started to feel angry. I got angry at the computer first because it erased my blog entry that I had typed up. And once again a lot more tears. Poor Justin, he is so good to me. He just held me and let me cry. At one point he told me I needed to stop typing in my blog for the night because I was mad and typing things out of anger. Good advice. I feel that this entry is much better. Justin was able to calm me down and he rubbed my back and played with my hair for the rest of the evening.
So you may be wondering about the whole goal of 60 pounds by December 31st. Well according to my WW leader it is still attainable; I just need to work really hard. We decided that my body has got used to the amount of exercise I do so I need to do more or work harder during the time that I do work out. One thing that she said was that I can get to my goal, but will I be happy with reaching 55 pounds by December 31st and then getting to the 60 pounds goal in January. I said yes. So while I am going to strive to still reach the 60 pounds, I will be happy with 55 pounds. I am scared though. I have a lot of Christmas parties to go to and then we are going to
Ok, so that is about it. It is a long one today, but I feel better after typing this out. Please pray more than ever for me. Not just that I can get to my goal, but that I won’t give up and that I can continue on after my goal is reached. Because I know that this is only one hurdle I will have to jump in this journey. There will be plenty more I am sure!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Can the goal be obtained?
A lady who we refer people to at work, walked by my office and said “you’ve lost a lot of weight, haven’t you?” Of course I told her the exact amount of 48.6 pounds! It is always nice when people can tell you have lost, it makes all your hard work worth the effort!
I am hoping that tomorrow at weigh in I will be able to say I have lost 50 pounds. I am trying not to think to hard on it. I am thinking though that if I don’t get to 50 pounds this week that my 60 pounds by December 31st may not happen. Although, that is ok, because I am still so much farther than I was last year at this time! I will still try though. I suppose it can be done if I work really hard! We are going to Florida for Christmas and I told Justin that I will have to weigh in while we are there. I don’t want to fall off track and the meetings really help with keeping on track.
Oh, I have some good news to share! But I can’t share it in my blog. If you know my email you are welcome to email me and I will share it with you!!! (I should probably mention that it is not about me)
Saturday, November 24, 2007
another good week...
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Give me a break, give me a break, break me off a piece of that...(now you all want a kit kat bar, don't you?)
Here is an exert from the Bible study book that the ladies in my FLOCK at church are reading. It is really inspiring and I would encourage everyone to buy it and read it today! (FYI - it is called 'Balance that works when life doesn't', by Susie Larson)
"The heavens are bursting with blessing, provision, and promise. God waits for us and longs to bless us. Every time we look up and call on Him to influence our lives, He will. Every time we go without something for the purpose of seeking Him more, we will receive far more than we gave up. When we embrace every sacred moment that comes our way as a chance to love God more, listen to His voice and do what He says, our life becomes a living, breathing example of Christ's continued work on earth. To be nourished by the Most High God is our greatest privilege. It's what gives us the strength to do things that are far beyond us."
Thursday, November 15, 2007
feeling good...
I really wanted to bring the book we are reading for our women’s Bible study to work with me today so I could quote some things from it. I guess this will have to wait until tonight because I left it at home! I would however, like to thank Rebecca for encouraging all of us to start reading a little each day, because I am really enjoying it this way rather than rushing through it like I usually do!
I weigh in tonight and I think that no matter what the out come I will be ok because I feel like I have done a lot better this week. Of course I would be thrilled to loose, but seriously I am ok with anything! I will let you know what the out come is as soon as I can!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Psalm 46:10
God has been telling me today over and over that I need to “Be still and know that I am God”. All day long I have been saying this part of Psalm 46:10 in my head. So much is going on today. I think the thing that is most consuming me is that my best friend is having some “troubles” with her pregnancy. She is due to be induced on Tuesday, but they might do it earlier because of all that is going on. I feel as though I should be continually in contact with her, and yet God keeps telling me to “Be still and know that HE is God”. What an amazing thought! He is God! He knows the things we are going through and all that is on our heart. He longs for us to cry out to him and yet I am learning this week that He longs for us to be still and listen to him speak! I feel like things are so chaotic this week, which makes this such a hard lesson to be learning. This week I want to strive to listen and not make things all about me! I want to read my ladies Bible study book a little each day. Most of all I want to be still!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
the good life...
I have the most wonderful husband in the world! Today he brought me flowers to my work and then took me to lunch! How sweet is that! I love him so much! I really needed him today and he did this! I didn’t even tell him that I was having a hard day!
I get blood work done tomorrow. I am not looking forward to it, but hey, I guess it needs to be done. I will keep you updated on what I find out. I go back to the doctor next Tuesday to get the results.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
I need to be reminded...
My blessings list:
Justin – the best husband in the entire world
My family – I can honestly say that I have been blessed with the cutest nieces and the cutest nephew!
Job – I really do have a great job, with a good boss and co-workers
Church family – I think that I have the best Church Family, one of which cannot be replaced with any church in Oklahoma (sorry this is actually supposed to be a subliminal message for one of my friends, but it is true) : )
Clothes to wear
Food to eat
Car to drive
Computer to use
Bible to read
Weight to lose (I don’t know how this is a blessing, but I feel it will be one some day, perhaps as a help to others)
Encouraging friends
Radio to listen to
Cell phone
House to live in – not only just a house, but it is a nice house too!
Clean water to drink
(I may add to this list as the day goes on, but I just needed a reminded of how blessed I am).
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Please keep praying for me to get back into gear!
Friday, November 2, 2007
good week...
I have discovered (and I actually mean my husband discovered it) some amazing pretzels! They are made by Snyder's and they are called butter snaps. Oh my gosh, they melt in your mouth. (I might be exaggerating, but seriously they are good)! I can have 24 for only 2 points! Also, Dole has fruit cups that come with fruit and yogurt. Those are good as well.
I have been sleeping better this week, which is great news! I guess it was on Tuesday I asked for people to pray that I slept good and boy did I! It was amazing. I woke up on time and everything!
Alright, only 15.2 pounds to go to reach my goal. Please keep praying for me to not give in to things like candy and well other bad for you kinds of things. Also, please pray that I will get back on my work out routine. While I did work out more this week than last week, I still should have done more. I didn't walk for three of the days this week, but at least on two of those days we did DDR in the evening. Ok, well I guess that is if for now. Looking forward to being able to say 60 pounds lost!!!!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Rest, I need rest!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Monday, Monday (da da, da da da)
I have been very busy at work today. This is good, because it makes the day go by faster!
I gave in and had a Dr. Pepper today, I should have asked God for strength to not have one, but for some reason I didn’t, I just had one and didn’t think twice. Well ok, I guess I did think twice because after a few sips I thought to myself “God is my source, food is a gift” (I have this posted in my office). Then I thought, DUH! Why did I have this Dr. Pepper? I did count the points for it, so that was good. Last week I barley counted any points!
Tonight I am going to do DDR and use weights at the same time! Not dangerously big weights, just small 2 pounders! Justin used to do this but hasn’t in a while. So I will have to use his weights.
I guess that is all for know. Please pray that I get some good sleep tonight as I did not sleep well last night! I was up until about 2 am! When I am tired I tend to make poor choices with my weight watchers.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Date night!
Minor set back…
So I gained this week. I was kind of expecting that though. I didn’t do very well this week. Plus I was sore all week from the lunges, so Justin and I didn’t do DDR at all this week. I am sure that played a part in it. I did however still walk this week during my lunch break, so I guess that is one positive thing that came out of this. Well this means I need to loose 16.2 pounds before December 31st in order to reach my goal of 60 pounds by December 31st.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Lunges are a lot of work. I don’t know that I have every really been as sore as I am today! My co-worker, Kacy, and I walked yesterday and at one point we decided to do lunges down the long side of the hallway. The sad thing is that we only did it for 1 hallways length. I woke up this morning so sore, I didn’t think I was going to be able to get out of bed! Then today at lunch I walked for 20 minutes, which is what I normally do, but today I was extra sore after walking. I have had to take some Ibuprofen!!! Let’s pray it pays off tomorrow when I weigh in.
So there are now 3 other ladies on my floor at work that have joined Weight Watchers! The two that joined a week ago both lost 4 pounds! This is the other one’s first week we will have to see how that goes! We are thinking that if we can get 15 people in the building that would want to do weight watchers then we could have a meeting in the building! That would rock!!!
I guess I have been tagged!
Jobs I've had:
1) 2 weeks at SNU in the Cafeteria
2) Children’s intern at PCBC
3) Cashier at Sweete Memories Bakery
4) Data entry at Baptist Messenger
5) Sales associate at Beauty Co
6) Sales associate at Stage, Kohle’s (sp?), and LifeWay Chirstian Store
7) Clerical at Family Medical Supply
8) Assistant Office Manager of
Places I've Lived:
7) Rifle, CO
Places I'd Rather Be (in no particular order):
1) anywhere but work! (I have a great job, but who wouldn’t want to be somewhere else)
2) Ballroom dancing!!!
3) with Justin
4) Hanging with my family/friends
Foods I Love:
1) Dark Chocolate
2) Mexican
3) Pizza
4) Lasagna
TV Shows I Love:
1) Re-Runs of Friends
2) Food Network
4) Bones
5) Chuck
6) Office
7) Journeyman
8) Disney Channel (seriously, I love Hanna Montana!)
9) Ok, I have more, but it would show that I watch way too much TV!
Movies I Love:
1) Romantic Comedies
2) X-Men movies
4) Disney Movies (recently the Meet The Robinsons animation!)
5) Musicals (I love the Newsies, Hairspray)
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Holy Cow!!!
So I mentioned earlier today that I wanted to share some of the inspirations I am reading in this book called "Balance That Works When Life Doesn't", by Susie Larson. So I am going to just quote straight from the book:
The road back to health isn't an unattainable one; it just requires that we face the current that swirls about us, jump in right where we are, and determine to stand on what we know to be true. We can do this.
God is our Source - food is a gift. when we look to food as our source, we fall out of balance.
(This was under a heading called TRY THIS) Tell yourself daily, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am getting stronger and healthier every day!"
We cannot compare ourselves to who we were years ago, nor can we compare ourselves to others. Those kinds of evaluations produce no good results.
And finally a prayer that I have made my own:
Dear Father in Heaven,
I don't want to make my body an idol where it becomes my obsession and focus. I want to make such good choices that I will no longer be distracted by my health. I want my health to serve me so I can better serve You. Amen.
I hope that these words can encourage some of you that read this, well I hope that it encourages all of you! Thank you for your prayers and encouraging words.
I am feeling good...
Today is weigh in day and I feel pretty confident that I have lost at least a little bit (actually I am confident that I have lost more than a little bit, but I don’t want to officially say that, hence the parentheses, I don’t want to curse it!). Justin and I have really worked hard this week, between walking, DDR and keeping track of my points I think it will be a great turn out! You may be wondering why I say "Justin and I have worked hard" and well it is because he truly has to do this with me. He told me last night he is proud of how I am doing with Weight Watchers. I told him that I couldn't have done any of this with out him. He thinks that I under estimate my ability to do this. I will tell you what I think, that even if he was only 1% responsible for the weight loss that has been achieved, then I could not do it with out his 1%! My 99% is not complete until he is there helping me. I love him so much. Ok, enough love talk ; )
Monday, October 15, 2007
Walking, lots of walking! (revised at 12:48)
This week I am really going to kick it into gear. I need to get to my 60 pounds by December 31st. So keep the prayers and encouraging comments coming, because I am going to need them!
I wore my trunk jeans (see entry below titled 'Cool story') to church on Sunday! It was great I felt pretty good about myself. Others made comments, saying that I looked nice. It was a great feeling.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Good news and bad news! This has not happened in the entire time that I have done weight watchers…I did not gain, wait though, I also did not loose. I stayed the same. This is better then gaining, I suppose. This just means that I really do need to step it up! I want to have lost next week! I really want to reach my goal of 60 pounds by December 31st.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Think thin...
So today is weigh in day and I really just want it to be over. I don’t know if I did good or not. I have done good on some days, but to be honest with you bad on most of the days. I feel like I am at a plateau right now. I know that I will need to just step it up with the exercise and make sure I am keeping track of ALL my points. I tend to not track my points in the evening. I also need to make sure and get more fish, veggies and fruit in my diet. I am for sure getting more than when I started, but that won’t cut it. I need to get more servings in.
I went to my primary care doctor yesterday and he was really proud of me with all the weight I have lost. It was good to here him say that because it is something I have struggled with since I have gone to him. Plus, it is always nice when he notices rather than me pointing it out to him. :-)
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Truth! You can't handle the truth! (or perhaps I can't)...
I gave in...
Isn't he amazing...
My wonderful husband, Justin, is well, so wonderful! At first I was going to title this entry “has nothing to do with weight” but then I decided that really it does. You see my wonderful husband left me a note in the garage yesterday so I would see it when I got home. He attached some cute frog stickers with it! It is that kind of encouragement that helps me continue on with this life long journey of loosing and eventually maintaining my weight. He is constantly filling my “love tank” ; ) (for those of you who haven’t read the “Five Love Languages” you should really invest, even if you aren’t married it is a great lesson to learn).
So today I am wearing not only an XL scrub top, but XL scrub pants! When I started out on this journey I was wearing a 3X top and 3X pants, and I think I was pushing on 4X. I think I am currently in the transition stage between 2X and XL because I fit more comfortably in the 2X, but more happily in the XL! If that even makes sense.
It is amazing how God will turn an opportunity to help a friend into an opportunity to help you. Yesterday my friend and I decided that at 8:15 we would work out. Now she lives in
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Cool Story
Friday, October 5, 2007
Weigh in results...
So the results are in and (drum roll please) I lost, 6/10 of a pound!!! So know I am back at my highest of having lost 41.8 pounds!!! I was of course hoping to loose more, but like I have said in a previous entry, as long as I loose anything I will have meet my weekly goal.
So the Bible verse that my wonderful husband posted to me the other day has really come in handy. I printed it out and posted it on my desk. I started to think that sometimes I feel like I have no other choice but to eat out at lunch, even though I have something to eat in the freezer. Then I read that verse again, “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is Faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV) Ok, so I think my “way of escape” is, hmm, perhaps the lunch that I already have! It is sad that it has taken me this long to figure that out.
Another good think that has happened is I tried on a pair of scrub pants and top that are a size below what I currently wear. I feel it won’t be long before I can comfortably wear them! Actually, I can probably already wear them, just not to the desired comfort level that I would like. In other words, I don’t want to be paranoid about ripping the pants!
Well have a great weekend everyone!!! I am so excited to continue on this journey. Thank you to all who encourage me everyday! I love you all!!!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
My super wonderful Husband...
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
No, I can’t give in! I must be strong and remember what I am working for…my goal of having lost 147 pounds!!!
Yesterday we ordered
Monday, October 1, 2007
Right on the dot...
Praise God!!! I have a friend who has lost a bunch of weight and she gave me a bunch of her old scrubs that were my size! It is amazing how God provides just when you need it. Now I don’t need to worry about getting any more altered or buying new ones! That is of course until I get to yet another smaller size (which actually she had some of those that she gave me as well)!!!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
I did DDR again this morning! It was great. It gets me going and I feel really good after doing it. Please pray that I will continue to do this during the week if not just to get me up and awake (I hate mornings, hmm, let me rephrase that, I hate waking up, mornings are ok). : )
Also, please pray that I can take a good after picture. I keep trying and since I am my worst critic (that's what my husband says) I tend to think they all still look bad. I really want to post one, especially since so many have asked for it.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Too much of a good thing...
So I did something totally new this morning, I danced before getting ready! It was 4 songs, about 6 minutes long. It was worth 1 activity point! I don’t know what inspired me to do that, but I still had time to get ready and be on time for work. I don’t know if I will do this again, but it was kind of fun. Not as fun as when Justin is there with me though.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Chocolate...enough said!!!
I am in such a great mood today! I really feel like I can get back on track, even if the scales go up tomorrow!!! It is amazing what a piece of Dove Chocolate and a good doctor’s appointment can do for your attitude. Plus, inside the Dove Chocolate it has a little message for you and mine today said ‘Sing along with the elevator music’! That is so me! I am so going to sing in the elevator the next time I am in one that has music, even if it is classical. Have a great day everyone. Thanks for your prayers, keep them coming.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Hungry like a wolf...
I wish my hunger would go away today! It just seems that no matter what I eat today I am hungry five minutes later. So far today I have had 12.5 points! I try to limit my morning points to 10, and even then I try and stay below 10! I have had oatmeal, fiber one bar, pretzels, broccoli and cheddar, pudding. Why am I still hungry? I can honestly say it is not because I need more fiber in my diet. Now, while writing this I can’t think of anything but what sounds good for lunch. The bad thing is that I am going to eat what I brought, either a Healthy Choice steamer or a Healthy Choice pizza. HMM, but what sounds better perhaps the
Monday, September 24, 2007
not much to say
Thursday, September 20, 2007
My day is getting better...
Ah yes, One hour and thirty minutes until I weigh in! I don’t think I lost this week, which is really annoying, since I have tried hard this week. I didn’t accomplish exercising everyday this week. Which is ok, as one of my friends pointed out I don’t want to get burnt out and then give up all together. (Thanks to Rebecca for that encouragement).
My day has turned out better than I thought it was going to this morning. I have a wonderful husband who let me cry to him via email and pour out my heart even though he was at work. I love him for that (ok, not only for that, but it is on the list of reasons I love him) : )
If you are in a good mood, don't read this...
Do you ever just feel like you can’t do it anymore? This is how I feel this morning. I did not want to get out of bed, I do not want to exercise, and I do not want to keep track of points and I REALLY don’t want to have to work right now. I just wish that I could be someone else for one day (with the exception of changing husbands, because I want to keep my Justin all for myself). You know someone who is skinny and doesn’t have to worry about gaining weight; someone who has everything handed to them on a silver platter.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
ups and downs
So today I have had some ups and downs. The up is that I ordered a salad for lunch, it wasn’t too bad. I even resisted the ranch dressing and ordered honey mustard. The downs have been laffy taffy and dove chocolates. Dang Halloween candy. Seriously! (Oh, that reminds me of Grey’s Anatomy) I didn’t walk, another down. But I had water with lunch and have been drinking my water all day, so that is a good thing (another up)! Over all I guess it has been ok. I made it to work today, which is more than I can say about yesterday!
Laffy Taffy joke of they day: What is a witches favorite subject? Spelling!!!! HA HA HA HA HA!!! Oh boy those jokes are great!!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
New Clothes
I have also decided to get more serious about working out. I have been taking breaks on the weekend and not doing much, but now I have decided to go ahead and start working out 7 days a week. I think this will help me in the weight loss and possibly (eventually) in the toning area. I have a great husband who helps me with this by encouraging me and asking me if we can DDR (dance dance revolution). I love him for that. Once I master the working out 7 days a week I will master keeping track of my points 7 days a week. I tend to not keep track quite as well on the weekends as I do during the week. Baby steps, that is the best way!
Coming soon...before and after pictures that so many have requested!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
I'm back baby!!!
Ok, I've got to go. We are having some friends over tomorrow and I need to finish making the cookies. (don't worry I will count the points) : )
Dance Dance Revolution
Justin and I discovered a new thing with our Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) last night! It has a work out mode, which we actually new about but we hadn’t tried it since we first got the play station because at that time it seemed too hard. Well we have improved since then and tried it last night! I love it. It tells us how long we danced and tells us how many calories we burned. It even tells you how many miles you jogged in comparison to dancing!!! We are for sure doing that from now on.
I woke up this morning to a clean kitchen. Thanks to my wonderful husband. He is so thoughtful.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Bueno, no bueno
Monday, September 10, 2007
My Dreamy Handy Man!
Back on track
I have discovered a new granola bar type thing. It is called Fiber One bars. The one I tried was an oats and chocolate bar! It was so good. It is only 2 points per bar. It tasted like a candy bar almost! The bad thing is that I can't find them at Wal-Mart. My friend said that she bought them at Sam's, so she said she would pick me up some the next time she is there! So if anyone knows of another place (besides Sam's and Walgreen's) to get these bad boys, let me know.
Have a great week, I will write again soon.
Friday, September 7, 2007
It was bound to happen some time...
I gained, as I expected to, but I was not expecting it to be 3 pounds. I was thinking like 1 to 1 ½ pounds. Well I guess that is what I get for not counting my points over the holiday weekend. My encouraging husband cheered me up and took me to dinner. He is wonderful, in fact, more wonderful than I deserve this morning. I have not had much sleep and I was pretty mean to him (pretty mean to everyone actually). He didn’t seem to think much of it and was easy to forgive me when I asked. I love him so much!!!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Ok, I just had a cool experience in the hall at work! A lady who works in the office next door to ours saw me in the hall and said “wow you look like you have lost a lot of weight.” I of course told her that yes I had lost 41.2 pounds and she said she could tell!!! This was exciting because she didn’t know that I was doing weight watchers, which means she wasn’t just saying it because I had told her. That was just the encouragement that I needed today.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Only 95.8 to go!!!
I avoided the vending monster again! I wasn't planning on it, I went down there with money, ready to buy some chocolate donuts, but then once I got there I realized that my dollar was to wrinkly and one of my quarters was a Canadian quarter! So I thought you know I don't need these anyway, so I resisted and came back to my office. I have to say it was kind of hard. But I am glad I resisted!
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
Why do I feel I can eat more?
I am putting a picture of my oh so cute nephew on here. This may sound funny, but him and my two nieces are part of my weight loss inspiration. I figure the more weight I loose then the more I can run around and play when I babysit.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Holy cow! I lost!!!!
What do I want?
Nothing sounds good to me right now and yet all I keep thinking about is food. It is like I am determined to find something that sounds good to me! I am not hungry, I mean I just got done eating lunch! Stupid food and stupid not hungry, hungry feeling!
no title
It is once again Thursday and I go to weigh in tonight. And once again I feel as though I will have gained. I will let you know how it goes. Even if I gain this week, I need to remember that I have lost over 35 pounds still and that is something worth feeling good about!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I'm a pepper, a Dr. Pepper!

Oh my gosh! I gave in today and I drank…wait for it…a Dr. Pepper!!!! A real Dr. Pepper, not diet, not caffeine free (do they make caffeine free?). The first taste was so fabulous I had to start writing about it. Ok, mmm, I just had the second drink and it was just as good! Don’t worry, I won’t make you sit here and read about every sip I take. I just had to inform you that it was wonderful.
Monday, August 27, 2007
can't sleep, yet oh so tired
Sunday, August 26, 2007
snooze please
Friday, August 24, 2007
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Stupid car
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Insprirational song
Mirror, Mirror on the wall; Have I got it?
'Cause Mirror you've always told me who I am
I’m finding It’s not easy to be perfect
So sorry, you won’t define me
Sorry, you don’t own me
Who are you to tell me
that I’m less than what I should be?
Who are you? Who are you?
I don’t need to listen
to the list of things I should do
I won’t try; I won’t try
You don’t define me; You don’t define me
Mirror I am seeing a new reflection
I’m looking into the eyes of He who made me
To Him I have beauty beyond compare
I know He defines me
I am actually getting teary eyed just reading the last three lines! I hope this inspires others as it really did make me walk harder!
Blood Work
Yesterday wasn't so good. I ate Sonic for lunch and then had an appetizer party with the ladies from my Sunday School. I ate too much during and after they were there! But I guess I can find a silver lining and say that I did not open the bag of double stuffed oreo's that were brought! I love oreo's! Especially the double stuffed ones. So all and all I guess it wasn't too bad. Today is a new day and I will do my best to not over eat and to track my points and work out, because I am worth it!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Mazzio's (now how do you pronounce that?)
Sunday was great! Justin lead the study in our Sunday School. He did a great job, of course! He is so wonderful. Then the class went to Mazzio's. Probably a buffet was not the way to go for someone on weight watchers, but it helped that one of the ladies, Haley, in our Sunday School class is a lifetime member of Weight Watchers. We talked about WW just about the whole time, it kind of kept me from getting up more than once. Oh and her and her husband have as son that is very cute!
So tomorrow I am hosting our ladies Bible study, only we aren't doing a Bible study. We are having an appetizer party. I hope to do good and not go to wild on the food. I will let you know how I do. Well I guess that is all for know. Just a lot of boringness this weekend.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Stop typing!
Did not give in!
On a totally different subject...Did anyone happen to see that picture that was on Yahoo! today about the miners that died in Utah? It was of a 10 year old girl crying. It made me want to cry. It was so terribly sad.
Again, I want to brag on my wonderful husband. I got home last night from my WW meeting and he had a little gift all wrapped up for me! It was so cute, he got me a frog that when you put it in water it grows! For those of you who know me, I like anything frog, except real ones. He hit the nail right on the spot with that one!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Another good one!
Tonight's the night!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Blood work
Burnt Muffins, mmm
Monday, August 13, 2007
And I'm back
I have decided to make a different goal. I am still aiming towards the 60 pounds by December 31st, but I have decided that each week if I weigh less than I did the week before than I have accomplished my goal. So even if it is 1/10 of a pound less than the week before, than that is worth celebrating!
I am trying to keep my snacks down in the morning, because I tend to eat more in the morning then I do in the afternoon. And now that I can eat one less point, I want to make sure I still have enough for dinner and lunches. If I can start eating more veggies that have no points like fresh broccoli or carrots, I should be fine. It is hard to eat that kind of stuff with out ranch dressing though. Well wish me luck and keep praying for me to be strong!